Stefan Ivanov
My name is Stefan Ivanov.Born January 1987 in Dryanovo, Bulgaria. I am a self-taught pencil artist. Since I was little kid I was fascinated with old cars. They are different. They have individuality, character, souls…stories which waiting to be told.
Summer of 2006 I started drawing the history of Laurin & Klement (Skoda since 1925), six months after terrible motorcycle accident. I became the first and only (to my knowledge) to work on such project. Each artwork is a journey through time. I am studying the history of the company and telling the stories behind the models.
I am drawing from historical and factory photos. Old photos have the spirit of the old days.
In 2023 I opened two exhibitions in Bulgaria. First one in a private classic car museum called “Zlaten rozhen” in the village of Katatovo. The other exhibition took place in the National poly technical museum in Sofia, Bulgaria.
In March 2024 I opened exhibition in Skoda hometown of Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republc. I was invited by the Bulgarian society there and with the support of the local officials and Skoda Auto. It was first exhibition of it’s kind ever.
From the summer of 2023 my work gained popularity around the world with numerous articles and publications from each continent. Many articles form Europe (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, England), several articles from USA, two from Australia, Argentina, Botswana, Pakistan.
I am in touch with several classic car museums and organizations around the world. I am hoping someday to have the opportunity to show my artworks and tell the story of Laurin & Klement and Skoda in front of people who would appreciate it.